Monday, November 21, 2011


I keep them. Once somebody has made it through the friendship door, you get to stay.  We don't have to agree on everything - sometimes we don't agree on much.  But what we do have is friendship and I sure do value that!

A few people have drifted out of my life that I wish were still around.  Mostly I have been very good at finding people who can put up with me and my little eccentricities. I'm pretty good at keeping in touch.
In the past couple of years, I've found two friends from grade school. These are friends I had when we lived in Bismarck and it was the 60's!!  I am seated in the front row on the far right (glasses).  My friend Beth is in a cute dress with a Peter Pan collar, seated third from the right. 
I particularly love this one!  We are sitting on the back porch of our old house in Bismarck.  My good friend Janice is the one with the hair as black as a crow's wing.  You can see that the house behind us is constructed of logs!  Lodgepole pine!  I miss that house and I miss my friend.  I haven't seen Beth or Janice since we were children.
Here is another good one.   It is my wedding day in 1992 and I'm surrounded by my dear dear friends from college.  The only person I am not in contact with is Sarah in the red dress. Nobody knows where she has gone. I pray she is happy.

Over the years I have made a few friends through work.  Some have become real friends, not just work colleagues that I quite like.

Now that I have been in the dive club for a while, some of these reprobates have become more than just diving buddies, they're friends.

So, if we were friends at some point and you were unsure about contacting me because you fear I won't remember you, you're nuts!  Of course I will remember you!  I have probably been wondering what ever happened to you and will be delighted to be in contact again!

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