I have started to dig over the vegetable plot. At the far end, I'm digging in lots of builder's sand. This is for the carrots. The soil can be quite sticky when it's wet. Carrots especially like sandy soil. When the carrots are not longer here, the sand will help the over-all soil structure.

Because we've not had a lot of rain lately the digging is very easy, but I am still taking it slowly. I don't want to do myself any mischief. I am saying this quietly so the
Rain Kachina can't hear me and return with a vengeance. We really don't need any rain just yet.

I've started at the end of the plot where we've had lots of bind weed or wild morning glory. Its a terrible perennial weed and the roots, though shallow are fast growing and brittle. I've been trying to clear the little bit that I have for a couple of years now. There is certainly less of it these days so I think I'm winning the battle.

Bind weed roots - to be put in the bin so they can't torment me any further!
It is all hands to the pump for the next couple of days. I have decided that it is time to plant stuff out! The little plants I've been babying along in the greenhouse can go out into the cruel world to make their fortunes. This means bean frames, pea sticks and dirty hands and knees.
While I'm at it, has anybody seen my good rake? I found the springy rake that we use for leaves, but the sturdy rake I use in the garden has sprouted legs and walked.
In other parts of the garden, I am pleased to report
the use of Bordeaux Mixture on my fruit trees at the very beginning of spring (well before the leaves were out) has worked beautifully! I sprayed in February. If I remember correctly I also sprayed a bit in the autumn. The cherry tree, which had been suffering for a couple of years with some sort of scab disease seems to be completely clear of spotty leaves. I'll keep a sharp eye out for return of any disease.

var. Morello Don't those leaves look great! No spots!

The apple tree
var. Discovery also seems to have been cured! I'm so pleased about this! It makes me feel like a proper gardener when I can get rid of the pathology on my plants. Now let us see if I can't get rid of some very persistent black spot on the roses. . .

This clematis montana
var. Elisabeth is threatening to take over the world! When it is done blooming, it will be getting a good cut back. It is actually lifting some of the roof slates! These are vigorous growers! To the right of the clematis, the mint is visible. It is also being a bit of a thug. I've got to rip most of that mint out if I ever want to grow anything else at the front of the house.

This is snow-in-summer -
Cerastium tomentosum. It decided to be at its peak of perfection today. It is a good thing I noticed!

Hiding next to the snow-in-summer is a little wild strawberry, also looking very nice.
The Mayfly is hatching at the moment.
Photo by Dean of Mostlymacro
If one is doing anything out of doors in our neighbourhood, you have to do it with a closed mouth! The Mayfly is everywhere! Our swallows are taking full advantage of these long spring days with lots to eat.

As ever, Julio (perched on the top of the chicken coop) is being helpful.