I put a site meter on my blog very early on in the proceedings. From this I can get all sorts of interesting stuff.
For instance, I can see what a person has typed into a Google or MSN search engine to come up with my blog. Examples of searches that have led to this blog:
"Black's Gaslight Village" - hello George!
"I hate Whitelees" - gosh that was very odd and kind of upset me
"haircut dreadlock"
"mothers of boys"
"plants for lazy guys"
"Scotland, search blogs"
"destroying crackle birds" -? (I have never promoted or even considered destroying crackle birds)
By far my favourite thing is looking on the site meter world map. It shows by way of little green dots where on the planet hits to my blog are coming from.
Its exciting when all of a sudden I've got a hit from far flung places. Some of these places are about as far flung as you can get. The thing is, I don't know about you, but I just want to GO to these places.
Germany - hello David and Viola!
South Africa
New Zealand - that was my friend Jan
Japan - could have been Devin from high school
Most of the hits come from friends and friends and family - thanks guys!
The bulk of my hits come from the Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, New Jersey, California and DC areas.
I'm glad that some of the sites I visit myself don't have site meters on them. I don't fancy people knowing how often I visit their blogs. They might start to think I'm some sort of crazy stalker-type person who has no life of her own.
I get a few hits by virtue of my link to Scottish Blogs. Those tend to be UK based hits - there have been a couple of visits from a location entitled Marlow, Windsor and Maidenhead. Think the Queen is looking? (more likely somebody from my head office) The Scottish Blog site is great for random blog viewing. I found a great one this morning. I've bookmarked it. My Neighbours are Hoors! This woman lives in a flat above a brothel. Its very funny and makes me glad I don't live in town anymore.
It seems that my haircut entry is the most viewed entry to date. Go figure. My Beautiful Scotland entry is just one viewing behind it.
Tea for Two?
3 days ago
What site meter do you use? I use gvisit, but it only has the world map of hits and not the other stuff like how people searched for you. Also the world map doesn't catch everyone, for example I have never seen a hit from Scotland. I think the hit on your blog from Minnesota is mostly me. I go to your blog too frequently (but you post frequently so it works out ok).
I use the one at www.sitemeter.com. In addition, the "Beautiful Scotland" entry has lept way ahead of all other entries and I've had hits from Cairo, Egypt, Paris which is my favourite city in the world (blogsearch on goatfell), and Bucharest, Romania. Click on my site meter thingy yourself next time and see. Visit as much as you want, its really cool. You're not the only Minnesota visitor. I have thousands of cousins, well tens of cousins in Minnesota. I have about 32 first cousins, not counting the spouses and children of first cousins. Some live in Minnesota and have visited the blog.
I use Sitemetre too, Peggy. Hope you don't mind if I steal your idea and do a post similar to this one?
wot are
Neds are youths or "youff". They walk around in packs generally being figures of menace. Punters are customers. In some cases they are customers at the race track and more usually customers of prostitutes. Kecks are underpants.
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