Friday, April 07, 2006

Mr and Mrs Pheasant

Its not just the amphibians that are pairing off. Lord and Lady Pheasant have been clearing up the seeds and peanuts that have been knocked off the table and into the grass. I did see them try to jump up and try for the mother lode. It was comical to watch and impossible to photograph with this digital camera. The camera has an annoying delay. Mmmm pheasant!

I saw a cock pheasant with about seven hens in the field behind Whitelees yesterday. This fella only has one hen that I can see. I hope that if they keep visiting, they'll come across with some chicks later on in the spring. I'm not too hopeful about that. Pheasants are notoriously rubbish parents.

I am waiting for yellowhammers to show up. . . . . and it would be nice to see the squirrel again.

While walking the hound this morning, I saw a buzzard being dive bombed by about four crows. The buzzard was way too close to their nests for comfort. Show off!


Anonymous said...

At first I thought these looked sort of like armadillos, but with really fat tails! We don't see much nature in our backyard so I'm a little rusty...

T said...

Great Pheasant photo!