As George grows older, his tastes have changed. He has gone from wanting to go to the soft play area of the local fun-time pizza place to the all out war that is organized paintball.

We got to the paintball arena at just before 12 and our warriors got kitted up in their armor.

The paintball hoppers were filled. (We spent a small fortune on paint balls!)

Here they all are before the first game. Look how fresh, un-sweaty and paint free everybody is!

All set for the first battle. The tape on arms denotes what team a player is on. George was given a big red X on his back to indicate it is his birthday.
Somebody spilled their paint balls. Once the paint balls have hit the ground, they cannot be used.

What a shame.

The actual fighting takes place in amongst some pine trees.

Evidence of being in the wars.

No, Gordon wasn't eating the paint balls, he was hit squarely in the face and some of the paint came through the air vent on his mask to splatter his face.
Some of those paint balls can really hurt!

The Man of the Place seems to come away with the worst of the injuries again.

Sean was one of the people on the winning team.
Then it was on to pizza and The Cake which is much more my speed.

George and Scott admire the tasteful and subtle birthday cake I made.
I did not take part in the paintball myself. If anyone wishes to know why I didn't take part in the paintball portion of the day's activities, I refer you to the above photos of injuries.

The day was rounded off with some relaxing on sofas and watching videos. Happy 15th George!