Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Beauty of The Fells

A peak that is over 2,000 feet is called a mountain. Haystacks is only 1,700 feet but it is a mountain to me. Can you see the lamb? How did he get there? More importantly, how is he going to get down?

Here is a quotation from A W Wainwright's pages on Haystacks about these very rocks.

It is a test of iron discipline to pass without halting several large comfortable boulders athwart the path.
Mr Wainwright, they were very comfortable indeed! That one looked just like a chair. I had to sit on it for just a few minutes.
Mom, I wore the new jacket you gave me. It was perfect for the sort of day we get here.

For the fans of heather, here are two more photos.

I thought I would share the bit of video I shot of the marvelous view from early on in walk.

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