When I brought Fen home, he weighed 2.8 kilos.
Yesterday when he went for his second set of injections, he had shot up to 6.7 kilos! He has outgrown his first puppy collar. It's like he has outgrown the newborn sized clothes.
He has a new red collar.
He still fits in his crate. . . I expect that at some point, I'll have to get a larger crate for him.
This is him at 10 weeks! Growing so fast!
He likes sleeping in his crate. He takes himself off to it for naps. He only woke up once last night to be let out for a pee. It is exactly like having a baby in the house again. . . except this is a baby dog rather than a baby human. We are all falling in love with this little cutie.
Syrupy Sweet
2 days ago