Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 50. In honour of the occasion, we had a party out here at the house.
The theme was loosely based around a Mexican fiesta. I bought some party things . . .
Please note my attention to detail. I have two skull bracelets (Dia de los Muertos) and a couple of Our Lady of Guadalupe bracelets.
The Man of the Place took up the slack in the beer (cervesa) department. This pile of beer was stacked at the kitchen door.
The weather was lovely the day BEFORE the party. The day of the party (Saturday) I woke to lovely blue skies . . . . which gradually got darker and by the time 2 o'clock came around it was heaving with rain. We had puddles where there had never been puddles before.
Ah, never mind. If we didn't do things because it was raining . . . . we'd never do stuff.
I could not have managed to have this big party if I had not had help. I got extra chairs and a gas barbecue from Isobella and Michael (friends in the village) The gazebo -pictured above - was from my dive buddy, Jean. My son Sean made cocktails - the source of maternal squiffiness - and grilled stuff. The new daughter-in-law made tray after tray of sandwiches.
My really great neighbours showed up - who are the best neighbours in the history of EVER - and a large number of friends and my newly married son and his wife were there. It is great when different sections of your life converge. Neighbours and village friends were having conversations with my diving pals.
I will confess that I did get pretty squiffy by the wee small hours of the morning. I took myself off to bed at about 2.
Then it was properly morning. I was the first up and surveyed the damage. . . .
It wasn't all that bad actually. . . .
I there didn't seem to be any permanent damage and nothing important was broken.
When we first started tidying up, there looked to be no beer left. It was said that the beer locusts had infested the place . . . I did find a few stray bottles in the fridge but not much else. All the food and most of the drink was gone.
We had a couple extra guests in the morning.
This is where the super fabulous Man of the Place came into his own. He made tea, coffee and pancakes for everybody during the hangover, tidying up phase of the party.
So. That's me at 50 now. I feel just exactly the same as I did when I was in my 20's. The body has changed a bit . . . but not significantly.
Syrupy Sweet
2 days ago