I've known
Joe since I was a kid of about 16. That means that he was about 18 as he is two years older than I am. He has always been a friendly, steady, stand up sort of guy. A real salt-of-the-earth sort. I am pleased that I can still call him my friend after all this time.

A Cornellian staff photo, circa 1979. I will be about 17 (and far too young to be drinking beer) and right in the front there. Joe is the one in the back with the mustache.

This could be one of my all time favourite photos of Joe.
Today is his birthday. Stop by
his blog if you get a chance and say hello. In honour of the day, I have had The Man of The Place help scan in some old photos I have had up in the attic for a number of years.

These photos are from the spring of 1986 (correct me if I'm wrong). When a group of us got together for a canoeing-beer drinking weekend at
Matsell's Bridge. It is a stunning camping place in Linn County, Iowa with a log cabin available for rent. Back in the mid 80's the area was home to a family of whip-o-wills that were quite effective at waking us up at the crack of dawn. The pretty young gal behind Joe, Vickie in this second photo went on to become his wife. They are soon to wave farewell to their eldest child as he goes off to attend DePaul University in Chicago.
We used to get together annually for a weekend of camaraderie. I sure would love to do it again sometime.
Vickie, Joe and meHappy birthday Joe! Though the mustache is gone, the years have been kind to you.
(photos courtesy of Benny McDougalhoff)