Friday, March 30, 2007
What Greeted Me This Morning!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I'm Back!
We've had guests come and go, a lawnmower that won't start AND yesterday I did something I haven't done in years. I bought a dress.
I went into TK Maxx (it is the UK equivalent of TJ Maxx)- something I do from time to time during lunch. I start at handbags, go through bath products, shoes, kitchenwear, sheets, towels, toys and then clothes that are in my size. I usually flip through the clothes and see nothing I want. Every couple of months, I'll see something useful like a new white blouse and I'll get it.
It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes you see a garment that you can't live without. You don't know when you'll ever be able to wear the thing, but you know that if you leave it there, you'll be haunted for years about what might have been.
Where I will be able to wear this dress is beside the point. I live in the country. Deep in the country. We don't have restaurants where this dress might be appropriate. I don't go to events where there are red carpets, silver service or valet parking. There might be a work thing in the future where I can get away with wearing it.
Sigh - I love this dress.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Normal (ha!) transmission is due to start tomorrow
We should have a new broadband provider tomorrow. The helpful customer service guy said that I could go live from between midnight tonight and midnight tomorrow. I'll be back patrolling the interweb thingy at that time.
I will tell you that we had a house full on Sunday. I love having guests over. Firstly there
was Andy who went home to Ohio today after being here for a week's visit . He was a quiet, hygienic house guest who not only ate everything put in front of him, made nice comments about each meal he consumed. I would like his actions to be emulated by any and all future house guests. He also brought presents! Thanks Andy! You can come over anytime!
On Sunday clocks went forward that pesky hour. I hate the "spring forward" time change as you really do lose an hour of sleep. This mean that when I thought is was noon and my old friend Jameel, his wife Mahrukh and their gorgeous daughter Hana showed up, I thought they were an hour early. Nope, they were actually arriving at 1 pm when they said they would. Good thing I was up early and was ready to receive them. This lovely family live all the way down near London (Epsom) so it was a rare treat for me to have them here.
Jameel and I used to work for the same company years ago. Even though we have both moved on, we've always kept in touch. The bonus is that now he's got a incredible wife (beautiful, bright, tall and has a great sense of humour) and this stunning baby girl.
Little Hana has just turned two. It gave me the excuse to drag the box of toddler toys down from the loft and clean the high chair off. I've saved a number of baby things from George's early childhood so that when we have visiting royalty like Hana, I've got all the right equipment to make the stay more pleasant.
Our other old pal Peter and his son Laurence showed up for desert. I'm glad I made an apple crumble as well as a big chocolate layer cake. I don't know what I would ever do if I found that I had under catered for guests! The thought makes me shudder. Peter and Laurence are also appreciative diners - bless 'em. Laurence seems to have an internal sensor that beeps when I've got the ovens fired up and I'm in a baking mood. If I'm baking cookies, I know he'll show up. Laurence knows that food equals love. ;-)
So, now I find myself back to another Monday night. Is it me or are Monday nights much more common than Saturday nights?
Monday, March 19, 2007
Down for a bit
On top of that, I broke a finger on Saturday. It was that dog's fault. Polly was going in for her annual check up and booster shots first thing on Saturday morning. I had her on her lead across the road from the vet clinic. I'm calming her down before we go in there, when one of the clinic employees shows up. She proceeds to make a big fuss over Polly (naturally) and gets her all excited and wound up. Even though Polly was on her lead, I grabbed her collar as well to control her better. Polly then did one of those alligator death rolls. One of my fingers was trapped under the collar and was twisted badly. I thought it had just been pinched.
Half an hour later, after Polly's appointment, I was at the clinic's front desk paying the bill. I noticed that the ring finger on my right hand (the one that had been trapped) was throbbing a bit and perhaps a bit puffy.
I went to the shops and got some milk, bread and other essentials before heading back out to our edge-of-nowhere house. When I got home, I notice that bruising was starting on the finger that had been pinched. As hours went past, the colours got darker and spread out further.
By the evening, I had convinced myself that I have either broken my finger or sprained it pretty badly. I haven't gone to the doctor. There really isn't any point. The finger doesn't need realignment and has been strapped to its neighbour the middle finger. Even if I did go to the doctor, had an x-ray and examination, the treatment would be the same; Tape it to the next finger. Gritty, stoical me. Are you impressed by my hardiness?
I'd show you a picture, but I can't upload photos from my camera to this laptop.
Friday, March 16, 2007
New Towels
Until recently we had what could be described as an abundance of bathroom towels. Then we added a second bathroom. Then I had just enough towels for both bathrooms. Thanks to a gift that arrived in the post this week from my mother, we have gone back to our abundant towel status. She sent a lot of towels.
Here are some of the lovely white, fluffy towels. (the others are being washed)
When we were in Egypt last year, we stayed in a hotel for two weeks. The hotel was nice and the staff there really made such an effort to make us feel comfortable. The room cleaners put brand new fluffy towels in our room. They were new out of the wrapper and the staff set them out in pride of place in the bathroom. Sadly, we had to ask the confused hotel staff for older towels. The new ones just weren't doing the job.
I am in the process of washing, drying and refolding the new towels. They're such a bright white at the moment. I want them to stay that way for a long time. This means that I have to be extra vigilant in grabbing the towels before they get stuck in a mixed colour wash. They'll go grey, a bit yellow or an odd shade of not quite blue if I'm not careful. These are whites only wash towels. I also have to protect their whiteness by keeping them away from these items.
Purple grape juice
Thanks Mom! I love the new towels!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Spring will be here soon
As I was feeding all God's creatures this morning, dog, chickens and rabbit, I was thinking that we've gotten off pretty lightly this winter. There have been very few days when I've had to scrape frost off the car and we've only had one dusting of snow. That's it. Now that the forsythia is in full bloom, I suspect that the late winter snow storm threat has passed.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Best Bait For Mousetraps
I was cleaning the kitchen this morning as I do most Saturday mornings and discovered that under the kitchen sink smelled bad. Once I started moving things around I discovered there were mouse dropping everywhere! It looked like there had been an infestation of mice for some time. Really, I hadn't noticed anything until today.
We usually get some mice in the house in the autumn. The can always be found under the sink. There is a hole under the cupboard where the rising water main enters the house. It's warm under there and our cats couldn't get to them. On top of that, under the sink is the traditional place for the kitchen garbage bin. That equals a food source. Not much food, but some will be in there. It all adds up to mousy paradise.
I set traps for the mice when I notice signs of mice. This autumn, I thought we had escaped the annual invasion. I thought perhaps all the routes the mice take when looking for an overwintering spot had been blocked by our construction. Maybe we just didn't have mice this year. It has happened before. We did get mice, only they were the extra sneaky variety.
After cleaning up under the sink and spraying lots of disinfectant around, I dusted off the two mouse traps, baited them with peanut butter and set them by the hole for the water pipe under the sink. I pushed them into place with a pencil. The snappiness of mouse traps makes me flinchy so I use a pencil.
In less than ten minutes, I heard a snap. The first mouse had been caught. Throughout the day, I've checked the traps to see if they've been sprung. Most of the time, they had been sprung and had to be emptied and reset. At the time of writing nine mice have been killed. That is nine mice in one day!!!! I am aghast! We have a proper infestation going on here. I know it is one of the drawbacks to country life, the occasional mouse in the house, but really!
Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Dream Aquarium
2. Lights - so I can see the fishies and the plants won't die
3. Heater - they're tropical fish not native Scottish fish
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
We've Got the Boy Back

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Lunar Eclipse - Bad Omen or Natural Occurrance

Friday, March 02, 2007
There is Hope

I got a bit emotional when I saw her smiling face. There is some slight bruising by her eye that I wasn't expecting but other than that, she looks terrific!
I think the thing that made my throat tighten was that I'm not there to witness this with her. I was certainly around when her hearing went away. I had mentioned this to her in an e-mail or instant message or comment on her blog earlier in the week. When she goes in to have the implant turned on, there will be sound. I'm so excited about this!
When I was a little girl, my mother could hear. She used to have records. I remember her owning not only Jackie Gleason albums (?), she also had some Joan Baez and Herb Alpert. As the years rolled on and I grew up, I became aware that Mom was hard of hearing. It never got any better. There wasn't a miracle hearing aid that would cure her. Some hearing aids worked for a while. Old fashioned, the hearing aids would whistle fiercely with feedback when we hugged her. Sometimes they'd whistle on their own and she had to be told. "Ma, you're hearing aid is whistling." If you walked into the kitchen in the evening, it could very well be that her hearing aids would be on the kitchen table, humming away with feedback on their own because she forgot to turn them off after she took them out. We'd just turn them off for her ourselves so that the batteries wouldn't wear down.
We got a volume control for the telephone handset. When picking up the phone after Mom had used it, one always had to turn the dial to a smaller number. Her hearing loss was progressive. By the time I was a teenager, her hearing loss was significant and couldn't be ignored. We got used to making sure that Mom could see our face when we were talking to her and to speak clearly, no muttering and no exaggeration. It was frustrating for everybody. I was sometimes not so good at dealing with my own frustration. I would accuse her of not being as deaf as she was acting when in fact she was deafer than she let on. I also took advantage of the fact that once her hearing aids were out, she wouldn't hear a thing until morning and took my time about coming home at night. Teenagers can be so rotten and self-absorbed. Sorry about that Mom.
It was so hard for her. She and my father had split up and she was trying to raise the four of us while trying to deal with progressive hearing loss. I remember that in 1981 when I was a senior in high school, she could still use the phone if she was talking to somebody she knew. We had little ways of plowing through a conversation so that Mom could understand most of the important stuff. Towards the end, her phone use was very limited. She would be able to ask questions and hear our yes or no answers. By 1982 she wasn't using the phone at all.
We have been using TTD machines for years. I've got one here at the house but it is on my bedroom shelves. I can still run and get it if I hear the tell tale squeal of a TTD machine on the other end of the phone. There is also a deaf relay service in Washington, but I don't know how I could use that on an overseas call. The computer has really taken over in the past 10 years or so. We've got e-mail and instant messages. It really has improved communication between us dramatically!
Now Mom has gone for a cochlear implant. She has documented her journey up to this date on her own blog. She has the right kind of deafness and was clever enough to live near the US expert in the field and got him to perform her surgery. All we can do now is wait. Wait for her to heal up and for the first week in April to hurry up and get here. April is when her implant gets turned on and tuned in.
I think there is a way for her to hear MP3 files after she has been through her tuning in process which takes at least three sessions. I'm having George make some recordings for her. He plays the guitar and piano. Even though he's not a professional, I'm sure his grandmother would be pleased to hear it.
I would dearly love to be there to witness the grand tuning in, sadly I can't. She has said that I'm the first person she is going to call when it's tuned in and I can't wait!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
World Book Day