Sunday, November 14, 2010

Last Rose of Summer

 This rose was given to me over 16 years ago by a friend that is sadly, no longer with us. It's a robust thing and though it only gives us two or three flowers per year, I keep it.  The flowers are beautiful when they show up and I always think of my friend Ettie.
uncared for tomatoes
It is now mid-November and the garden is a mess!  It was so tidy all spring and into the summer.  Things fell apart in July when I started the "bad job".  I left the house at about 07.30 each  morning and wouldn't get home until after six.  Sometimes I got home later still if there were things that needed to be done.  In any case, life at home started to suffer.  I wasn't here to do all the lovely things I had been doing up until then.  The garden suffered the most.
Broccoli left to go to seed

former pea nets and canes
 It wasn't looking too bad when my sister and her family visited in August. We harvested the peas while she was here. But now, in November when I have done nothing but ignore it, it looks BAD.
beans have gone to seed on the canes
 There are still some beans flapping in the breeze.  A few canes that were there for support are still standing.  At some point, I will take the canes down, wipe them off and put them in the greenhouse.   They'll last longer in there, out of the weather.
old cabbages - the ones that the caterpillars didn't eat
Poor old cabbages.  They look like skulls.  The only thing that is salvageable at this point are the leeks.  They can stay in until I am ready to use them.   

I'm not making any promises, but if we get a dry spell, I'll tidy this patch up and cover it with black plastic until spring. 

I was a mildly non-lazy gardener up until July but rest assured, I'm back on form now.  :-)


Anonymous said...

Mother Nature is pretty forgiving. Plow the stuff under and it will grow good things next time! I'm down to a few lonely beets and some kale (what does it take to kill that!). My freezer is packed with Ziplocs of tomato and kale goodness. Amen.
Cousin Susan

J-Funk said...

Maybe next year the seeds will regenerate lots of new better stuff!!

Sarah said...

"They look like skulls" - love it!

Joy Des Jardins said...

I hope you get a lot more next year Peggy...I just love roses. I love the color of the one in your pic. ~Joy

Ann said...

Well, in Tennessee, no matter how hard I work (and it's not very hard the last couple of years), things always go to hell in July. The weeds grow fast, I go on vacation, and I come home to chaos that it's too hot to correct. This year I will re-form my little food garden, which may leave some more energy for the flower beds, as well. Good luck to you, too!

Susie @ A Slice of My Life said...

That's the beauty of a garden, you've always got the next spring to start again!

Anonymous said...

The wild life will love you for the neglect. Leave it till spring, they all need somewhere that's warm to them.

And then when Spring is Sprung a new start.

mrs K

PS One beautiful rose and so full of happy memories.

Xtreme English said...

The less said about my "garden," the better. I've always done my best gardening in January, when the wind is whistling outside and I'm sitting by the fire with a good glass of something and a pile of new seed catalogs. Actually, your garden looks wonderful--all that good organic matter to plow under for next season. That's what makes the new veggies taste so lovely.

Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy

Hope you are not snowed in, but if you are, hope you are snug as bugs in rugs.

mrs K