Monday, June 26, 2006

Boys and Frogs

I think it is wonderful that 12 year old boys can waste hours tormenting pond life. George and our friend Asen who is fresh over from Italy were sent over to the pond to clear some of the duck weed by hand. They were immediately distracted from the job as Asen got a newt in his first scoop.
Then we discovered that the tadpoles have completely changed into weeny little frogs. This wasn't noticed by us as the duckweed had taken over. We usually keep on top of the duck weed but the two sieves we had are gone now. The first one rusted (a sieve with a hole in the middle is no use at all) and Polly chewed up the plastic one. I'll try to remember to buy a couple of sieves when I go to the supermarket. If I get two then I will get to have one in the kitchen for a while.

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