Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hanging Baskets

It is STILL not time to plant outside yet. . . . so I can't do anything yet.

Preparation still goes on
Hanging baskets have been filled with plants and now await the day they can hang outside.  I like to give them a good head start inside, out of the wind so they can establish well.
Bean frames have been lashed together . . . with help from my handsome garden help.

Donkeys like mints.
Cows are unsure of mints 
An additional strip has been plowed.  I worried that I wasn't going to have enough room for pumpkins, squashes AND all the cabbages.
I have such indulgent garden help!  I merely mentioned that I was worried I wasn't going to have enough space . . . .and more space was provided! Ten more days to go to planting time!


Shammickite said...

You are no longer a very lazy gardener.... more like a very energetic gardener if you ask me! The garden is looking good, I am so envious. My little garden is a cold disaster on the north side of my house.... always in the shade.

joared said...

Enjoyed your photos and commentary. You're certainly making great headway with your gardening.